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≡ Read The Magic of MiddleAged Women Romance Sex DevianceFreedom edition by Daniel Evan Weiss Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

The Magic of MiddleAged Women Romance Sex DevianceFreedom edition by Daniel Evan Weiss Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download As PDF : The Magic of MiddleAged Women Romance Sex DevianceFreedom edition by Daniel Evan Weiss Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

Download PDF The Magic of MiddleAged Women Romance Sex DevianceFreedom  edition by Daniel Evan Weiss Health Fitness  Dieting eBooks

Time Brings Out the Best In Women. If Only Men Realized…

Biologically speaking, middle age is a wasteland. Women (and reasonable men) are done breeding, but not ready for burying. Yet, especially for women, this is a great time of life. The satisfaction of launching a family is sweetened by time, money, and energy they can now spend on themselves. They may want male company, but they no longer need a mate.

Middle-aged men will find no better companions than these self-reliant, contented, and, not coincidentally, sexually adventurous women. But, handicapped by eyes that focus only on youth, many men cannot see them.

What is to be done? This book is based on extensive accounts of more than twenty women who reentered the world of romance and sex in midlife. Many expressed frustration and disillusionment. But there is also much triumph. This time around, some know how to choose men more wisely. Some prefer a smaller male footprint in their lives. Others make revolutionary changes in lifestyles, including dominance and submission, sadomasochism, and polyamory—all graphically recounted. By casting off decades of sexual propriety, they feel that they have at last become who they really are.

During nine years of research, the author, challenged and inspired by the women whose lives he was following, underwent his own intimate revolution. It was a rare literary premium.

The Magic of MiddleAged Women Romance Sex DevianceFreedom edition by Daniel Evan Weiss Health Fitness Dieting eBooks

All the topics of porn are somehow a taboo, or at least some authors would never venture into this field of profanity and talk about it openly or publicly. Did Daniel Weiss have the guts to come out of the closet and open the whole can of worms? He surely did. Does this topic make him a bad author? No. In my eyes he is a genius who is sure of his values and does not have to wait for approval or disapproval of the mainstream literary critics.

Dan Weiss’ book did open my own eyes in ways I never knew were possible. I had two unhappy marriages in which intimacy was to bland to be satisfying. If this book had existed during the time I was married, it could have definitely influenced my married life. Maybe it could have helped, maybe not, the chance is there.
Today, I am singe and online dating. I truly believe that every woman who is online dating should read the book. It is NOT a self help book or manual but since the author did a lot of research about the topic, there are a few good comments about how the dating may go wrong or what the others did to make dating more enjoyable.

Product details

  • File Size 637 KB
  • Print Length 232 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher Pointed Prose Press (April 2, 2013)
  • Publication Date April 2, 2013
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read The Magic of MiddleAged Women Romance Sex DevianceFreedom  edition by Daniel Evan Weiss Health Fitness  Dieting eBooks

Tags : The Magic of Middle-Aged Women: Romance, Sex, Deviance--Freedom - Kindle edition by Daniel Evan Weiss. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Magic of Middle-Aged Women: Romance, Sex, Deviance--Freedom.,ebook,Daniel Evan Weiss,The Magic of Middle-Aged Women: Romance, Sex, Deviance--Freedom,Pointed Prose Press,FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS Love & Romance,SELF-HELP Sexual Instruction
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The Magic of MiddleAged Women Romance Sex DevianceFreedom edition by Daniel Evan Weiss Health Fitness Dieting eBooks Reviews

I loved this book from the first to the last page. It achieves a rare balance of exploring kinky pleasures and delving into psychological insights. The women interviewed open themselves up with candor, chutzpah and emotional depth. It is both informative and stimulating, and makes us see (both men AND especially women) that love and sex are not lost as we get older, quite the contrary. Entering middle age can very well mean the beginning of a new phase in our lives, marked by more freedom, more independence, and more courage to explore both our emotional needs and our most intimate sexual desires.
The author has approached Life and Love from a Philosophical and Psychological point of view. With the spirit of an explorer seeking ways for deep connection, the author underwent his own transformation and found the way to unite Sex and Romance into one holistic unity. In the book, he shares his experience, research and understanding with great honesty, humility, and generosity. Benefiting from his exceptionally high intelligence and advanced education, as well as lifelong studies of Philosophy, Psychology, History, Art, and Humanity, he presents his own experience of life for public examination and discussion. It is his pure kindness and empathy that inspired him to write this book. It is bravery that made him expose himself to the people that he does not know. He has shown us a way out of our everlasting gender struggle throughout human history and across the land. The least we could do is to think about our own life and try to treat it seriously, and to find our own Magic.
Daniel Weiss has written an insightful exploration of the changes that enhance women in many ways as they pass into middle age, but especially in their sexuality and self-awareness. Indeed, freedom from the many challenges today's women face along the way ... pregnancy, children, career, and perhaps even caring for the generation ahead of them, have given women the space to inquire, wonder and grow. This new freedom, accompanied by an accumulation of wisdom and new-found resources, has allowed women to find new pathways to pleasure, satisfaction and excitement. Through his research with women at all walks of life and at different stages of growth, Mr. Weiss offers an optimistic future for women in their middle years, when many may be thinking that the sexual part of their life-experience is growing beyond reach. His insights can serve as encouragement for men and women alike. While some may find this book too kinky, or too candid, I wish all the men in my life, past and future, would read it and take the author's wisdom to heart. There is a magic about middle aged women!
This book is not all that the title promises. Deviance and sex, abundantly. Romance and freedom...uhhh, no. Some older women can be magical, just like some younger ones, and many do come into their own in middle-age. If Mr. Weiss can be believed, what they come into is a world of emotional and sexual humiliation. Based on interviews with woman contacted through internet personal ads, this book is readable and witty, but the generalities about middle-aged women's sexuality and relationship needs are untrue for most and mostly serve to titillate. While some of these women ultimately find balance in their lives, it's more a record of recovery than the happy ending it is meant to be. In the autobiographical sections, the author presents himself as an amateur therapist in inexplicable awe of these mostly sad women, who can make women multiple-orgasm with a nibble of the ear and a crack of the whip. I think Mr. Weiss missed the meaning of these women's stories. The audience for this book is small.
Middle-aged women are generally content with life, and more confident, worldly, and sexually adventurous.


This is the big insight. If you're looking for erotic material, there's far better (and better written) material out there (even about middle-aged women!) Dime-store psychological "insights" worthy of an article in Cosmopolitan, plodding, unimaginative technique, and a self-indulgent and self-important narrative make the book tedious and tiresome to read.

If you've read this review, you've spent all the time you need to on this supposedly revolutionary book.
One reviewer suggested that there is nothing new here, but I disagree. I am surrounded by 50-something women who wish they were hotter, tauter, more appealing, fighting each wrinkle as if it was the enemy. In our youth obsessed world, this is a breath of fresh air. Most importantly, these are real women with real lives. I find them inspiring. Thank you, Mr. Weiss, for introducing me to them. And good for you for noticing when so many others are blind.
All the topics of porn are somehow a taboo, or at least some authors would never venture into this field of profanity and talk about it openly or publicly. Did Daniel Weiss have the guts to come out of the closet and open the whole can of worms? He surely did. Does this topic make him a bad author? No. In my eyes he is a genius who is sure of his values and does not have to wait for approval or disapproval of the mainstream literary critics.

Dan Weiss’ book did open my own eyes in ways I never knew were possible. I had two unhappy marriages in which intimacy was to bland to be satisfying. If this book had existed during the time I was married, it could have definitely influenced my married life. Maybe it could have helped, maybe not, the chance is there.
Today, I am singe and online dating. I truly believe that every woman who is online dating should read the book. It is NOT a self help book or manual but since the author did a lot of research about the topic, there are a few good comments about how the dating may go wrong or what the others did to make dating more enjoyable.
Ebook PDF The Magic of MiddleAged Women Romance Sex DevianceFreedom  edition by Daniel Evan Weiss Health Fitness  Dieting eBooks

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